Singles Meetups in New York
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Has anyone else started getting this? I know this is happening in NYC.. Organized meet ups happen once a month with a different type of cuisine each time. To be sure, we will make excursions into the city--and that includes Queens and Brooklyn as well as Manhattan...
Something very crazy is going on at MeetupHQ with not allowing general groups of people from a specific area and age. Meetup itself was never intended to compete with Match. I run a movie and for the same event i have to sended out a reminder....
Singles Meetups in New York - We really want to help you find success on Meetup. Meetup itself was never intended to compete with Match.
Meetup has begun targeting speed dating groups and groups that offer parties. Below is a thread received. I know this is happening in NYC.. Has anyone else started getting this? Your Meetup, was brought to our attention by members of the community. After reviewing these reports, your Meetup, and your account, we're writing to make sure that you are fully aware of our Community Guidelines in order to comply with them. Please make any necessary changes to align your Meetup with our policies. We really want to help you find success on Meetup. However, failure to align with our policies may result in the closure of your Meetup group and account. Dating services are generally prohibited on Meetup. These services and events include, but are not limited to, speed dating, dating clinics. Please ensure that your Meetup group and Meetup events do not include these activities and services. If they do, please update the focus of your group and events to realign with our policies. You'll find more information about our Community Guidelines here: Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Meetup HQ Meetup has begun targeting speed dating groups and groups that offer parties. Below is a thread received. I know this is happening in NYC.. Has anyone else started getting this? Your Meetup, was brought to our attention by members of the community. After reviewing these reports, your Meetup, and your account, we're writing to make sure that you are fully aware of our Community Guidelines in order to comply with them. Please make any necessary changes to align your Meetup with our policies. We really want to help you find success on Meetup. However, failure to align with our policies may result in the closure of your Meetup group and account. Dating services are generally prohibited on Meetup. These services and events include, but are not limited to, speed dating, dating clinics. Please ensure that your Meetup group and Meetup events do not include these activities and services. If they do, please update the focus of your group and events to realign with our policies. You'll find more information about our Community Guidelines here: Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Meetup HQ Wow, we have a several Speed Dating Meetup groups where I live. Though it does make sense, since it's an attempt to make a profit and not allow for fellowship and making new friends. Also, I really think it defeats the purpose, at least in my area, considering that a lot of people that have met, dated, even got married, had been through non-Speed Dating meetup groups. Very rarely I would see a couple come to some of these events. Sometimes I'd see an occasional married person come out, by themselves, to get out of the house... But, like I said... Please get over the idea that making a profit and creating community are mutually exclusive. That is not true and that is not why MUHQ is doing this. Meetup itself was never intended to compete with Match. That it is perceived as such by members is another issue. Part of what is going on is the excess e-mail complaints, most of which are probably from people who belong to multiple groups where the same events are typically posted. There are a crapload of singles groups in my area and other large cities and a lot of their e-mails are probably being seen as spam, especially if they are posted to groups out-of-topic. It's funny how they are shutting group down because they don't fit the Meetup mold but what sounds like a real issue is the emails members get. I run a movie and for the same event i have to sended out a reminder.... As I only find out on the Tuesday the week the movie is coming out. I know members don't like the emails but Meetup has really done nothing to solve the problem but now to just remove groups. Meetup has done nothing to make it user friendly to stop getting emails from a group that members are little active in. Also members don't like it when I say to them that I can stop the emails but they will never get another one from the group because of the filter. Meet has to make it easier on everyone to make it accessible to make the changes to members profiles... It's takes TOO MANY steps to change your email filter. Also I always tell my members that they should have just email for Meetup. That's a weird email, because there's a space and period in a spot that incompletely quotes the actual community guidelines: In order to provide a quality and more personally relevant experience for our members, Meetups for singles of a certain age, or singles in a certain location, are not specific enough to qualify as Meetup groups. Prohibited dating services and events include, but are not limited to, speed dating, dating clinics, and date coaching. Pick-up Artist Meetups Meetup does not support groups that involve pick-up or seduction techniques, or wingman tactics. Depending on what the group is, I see how this could make sense, especially with the last part. BBG, Is the email you listed in your post one from Meetup that was sent to someone you know? Yes Amy, unfortunately that is correct.. Big thanks to Culture for finding it and Emmy for even pointing out the 3 dots which you have to click to see the new restrictions. Something very crazy is going on at MeetupHQ with not allowing general groups of people from a specific area and age. As far as targeting speed dating, I also had some members write in and complain that they are taking this away. Meetup HQ does not seem to care and just replies with the general cut and paste that these are our policies. Really is not fair that organizers who spent thousands of dollars and hours and hours of time in cultivating and growing speed dating groups can be wiped out in a minute. Bigger picture is whats next? What if Meetup HQ decides they don't like XYZ for whatever reason.. Are they going to wipe out all the groups that have been in existence for years? Also meetup now allows for commercial business to be on meetup. It has been in their terms of service for a long time now. There is nothing wrong with making money on meetup.
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But, like I said. Also meetup now allows for commercial business to be on meetup. You can probably imagine what that consists of… Just let your inner child run wild. ANUK has provided us a platform to get our advertising out to a specific target market and gets the best return on investment. Dating services are generally prohibited on Meetup. We really want to help you find success on Meetup. When you are a single mom and just venturing into the dating scene, especially pan dating, it can be quite scary. If they do, please update the focus of your group and events to realign with our policies. For more information and to reserve your seat events sell out quickly. The digestible e-mail blasts take significantly less time to read than it would take them to pan industry-wide information independently.